Silken Spirituality: Flow with Pleasure

One of the questions I muse on often is, How do I feel good as I move through life? 

My current answer: FOLLOWING PLEASURE. I find pleasure through relationships. Sensuality. Flow Arts. Dance. Silk. Fire. Community. Pussy Magic. Activism.

Backstory: I’m a seeker—a student of movement, philosophy, and alchemy; of transformation. I began my journey reading “forbidden” library books (in Ohio during high school) on esoteric philosophies and religions, which led to taking university classes in eastern philosophy that stopped dinner conversations. I later engaged in therapeutic psychedelics and dance therapies to fully forge a connection with spirit. I currently open to the pleasure path which tunes me in and turns me on - strengthening that connection to spirit. It’s often hard, and getting through the gunk (trauma, toxic patterns, unaligned relationships) allows me to more easily open.  I’m seeking a life aligned, awake, and cognisant. 

I’m a pleasure seeker — I practice the alchemy of feeling good. 

I know that when I feel good, I feel connected to spirit. Being connected to spirit allows me to find clarity, creativity, bliss, expression, and understanding in harder times.  


Spirituality is the innate connection to oneness.

It’s that greater whole of our planet and cosmos. Some call this oneness God, Godx, Divine, Spirit, Universe, and more. Whatever you prefer to call it, I have found a consistent pathway for connecting with Oneness is through breath and body, movement and flow. Dancing with silk (or any object) allows us to get out of our heads and into our bodies and into a timeless space where we can just . . . be

Since I was small, movement and dancing have been the current I slip into to feel good, and I have experienced it again and again in so many different settings and moods. Moving my body and grooving to music lights me up and helps me move through the mire, keeps me out of the quicksand of depressive cycles, and forges that connection to the spirits above that make my heart soar. 

Movement makes bodies come ALIVE. 

You should try it today; it’s free, if you have a body.

I believe that we already have all we need to transmute the lead of our bodies and dire experiences (also called sin/suffering/trauma, etc.) into the gold of blissfully ecstatic and fully embodied life. All we need is our own bodies and senses. This connects us to our pleasure barometer — our sensuality.

If you’re reading this you have a body, you have senses, and both are completely unique to YOU. Your senses are the bridge between your external and internal landscapes, and you can use your senses to activate a sweet daily sensuality that inspires joy in living life wherever you are. Sensuality grounds us in the present moment and gives us access to our own unique power and full embodiment. 

Get out of your head and into your body.

Dancing with an object — like silk veils or fire flow tools — helps us get out of our thinking analytic brains and into our intelligently feeling body. We open to spirituality and connection in the space where the body takes over and feels into the present moment.

Photo by Heather Schofner

Photo by Heather Schofner

Silk can help you slip into your senses.

Combined with light and movement, flowing with silk invokes dramatic magic for the human senses. These senses connect us to our sensuality, a place of living only accessible when we experience the present moment, sovereign in our state of being, not doing.  

The weighted silk veil becomes an extension of personal corporeal presence; a visual and energetic expansion. This expansion opens the creative channel to flow and connects self to the all-that-is. It is in this space that inspiration flows, often without witness, and the veil bearer comes out the other side, transformed, and often without quite knowing how. 

Photo by Greg Bell

Photo by Greg Bell

Authentic expression is paramount to spirituality and sensual experience. 

When you surrender to the flow of dancing with a veil, it allows for many things to happen:  

  • personal expression 

  • energy clearing + safer space casting

  • working through sticky mental problems

  • dispersing anger

  • soothing sadness + grief

  • expressing joy + beauty

  • invoking sensual stimulation

  • connecting with the divine spirit

  • and infinitely more

How dancing with a veil connects and transforms we do not need to “know.” We slip into the art of flow by trusting, experiencing, and surrendering, we amplify space and extend time. Your movements manipulate the silk, which then leads you to follow its flowing expansions. Through the dance we connect with ourselves and the universe without over-analyzing how. It’s a surrender to the process of intuition; an energetically feminine way of accessing intelligence (pussy magic!). 

Now, how?  


Here’s my simplest method.  

  1. Slip your finger pads onto a silk veil, a curtain, or a scarf.

  2. Release yourself from the judgements running around in your head.

  3. Take a breath. 

  4. Clear your head of thoughts.

  5. Turn on a tune. 

  6. Move your body to the rhythms.

  7. Wave the fabric around you.

  8. Don’t think, just move.

  9. Repeat often. The more you practice, the more you move towards your own unique connection with spirit. 



If you’re wondering where you can get a silk veil, take a look at my webshop. I specialize in an innovative weighted silk veil that flows akin to a poi or veil poi, while it also remains a bellydance veil. I offer multiple variations, shapes, sizes, colors—each a unique creation—that are waiting for YOUR UNIQUE SELF. I also customize commissions and silk costumes to your whim and fancy, so reach out, and let’s dance together!

gaea lady

Gaea is a creatrix, a pussy magic priestess, a seeker of alchemical change. Through living artfully, she expands how we all authentically show up in our confidence and empowered presence.

Creativity as Transformation


Using Silk Veils to Activate Sensuality