Silk Veil Masterclass #6: Floorwork with Weighted Silk Veils


Immerse in silk masterclasses focusing on weighted veil technique ONLINE so you can tune in no matter where you are. These Innovative Classes have never been done before with weighted silk veils, highlighting Gaea Lady’s techniques. Explore technique, philosophy, approach, improvisation, & choreography to expand your knowledge of this unique art form.

Silk Veil Masterclass #6: Floorwork with Weighted Silk Veils

(JOIN THE LIVE CLASS NOV 18 6:30PM Central - link will be in the pdf upon purchase)

Get up, Get down!

Levels are a dynamic way to shift perspective, approach, and add texture to a dance or performance piece. HOWEVER! They take a LOT of strength in our core, booty, and legs in order to move through gracefully & safely.

Floorwork with our weighted silk veils brings another level of challenge. When we get down to the floor, we have the added challenges of large amounts of silk, limited mobility, flexibility, & strength.

What you can look forward to:

  • Gaea unlocking floorwork with fabric for you with years of accumulated tips & tricks, know how, and techniques

  • Sweating with conditioning

  • Philosophy & physiology

  • Encouragement to lean into your own unique body’s mobility and ability to create the levels & floorwork that highlight YOU

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