Pussy Magic: Awaken to the Sensuality of Living

Photo by Ed Barnas

Photo by Ed Barnas

Pussy Magic. Pussy. Magic. Just saying those two little words sends a delicious tingle of joy (and maybe a little naughtiness) up your spine. Those words inspire curiosity, a deep knowing and most definitely, a heartfelt yes!

What is Pussy Magic, exactly?

Pussy Magic is the universal mystery, the power of creation, the infinite pleasure, deep wisdom and unlimited potential that lies between the thighs of all womxn. It is the truth that is born inside us all, that travels up our spine, through our body and breathes out our lips. Pussy Magic!

Let’s dive in a little deeper.

We are all born with Pussy Magic. Oh yes, we are. But Pussy Magic is so much more than your… well, pussy! It is a way of describing the feminine that is not reducible to genitals. It is the unknowable, innate feminine inside of you. It is the magic that lights up your sensuality, puts a sway in your hips, a sparkle in your voice. It’s what sends off a vibratory hum when you walk into a room and ignites the warm glow in your eyes.

Women who know their magic embody it. You can feel these magnetic women when you meet them because Pussy Magic is not reducible to age, weight, height, ethnicity, hair or eye color. In fact, it’s not any of the things contemporary society wants us to believe it is.

Unfortunately, Pussy Magic is sadly lacking today. I want to show you how to tap into your Pussy Magic and counteract the voices (and there are many) that dim our shine, hold us small, oppress our sexual expression and shame our bodies.  

How do you tap into Pussy Magic?

In a word — sensuality. It’s that simple. Learn how to use your sensual power, freely and unapologetically. Remember, you have all of your “senses” to engage with the world, so why not use them? It is our senses that bridge our inner and outer landscapes, whether we are aware of it or not.

Photo by Bella Blue

Photo by Bella Blue

Sensuality is the gateway to pussy power.

We have previously restricted sensuality to the bedroom. But we need to unrestrict it, release it, and understand that it is a way to interact with the world. Awakening to your senses will bring more of your special magic to your daily life. Sensuality grounds us in the present moment and gives us access to our own unique power and full embodiment.


Being present in your body.

My approach to expression includes burlesque, silk veils, fire flow arts, and dance. I use sensual movement, tease and play to unite mind, body, and spirit and inspire erotic empowerment.

I know from my years of practice that developing your senses is an experience wholly unique to each individual. Sensuality is highly personal. It’s how you interact with yourself and the world around you. There is not one right way. There is only what is right for you. 

To freely enjoy the sensuality of living is a great gift and worth cultivating. It simply requires that you turn your attention inward to the core of your own truth and inner knowing. 

Tune in to the bliss of every moment with sensory activation and you will live a more embodied, joyful and aligned life.

There are a few simple sensory activation exercises you can do anywhere or anytime, for just a few moments, that will help you tune in to your sensuality. I strongly suggest you do these little rituals daily, and with loving intention, until they become a habit.

Sensual Activation

Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, pause for a moment. Really pause, right where you are. Get quiet and feel into yourself. Relax your face (yes, it’s pretty tense, isn’t it?) Take a breath. Take another. Feel the clothes on your body and your body in space. Connect to the earth beneath you. Now, let’s explore your senses.

  • Sight: Look the colors around you, gaze at the quality of light, see the vibrant green of your plants, notice the variety of colors you chose to decorate the room.

  • Sound: Hear the sound of your breath as it flows in and out of your lungs, the hum of the refrigerator, the sound of traffic outside.

  • Smell: Notice the scent of the air in your nostrils, the perfume on your skin, the smell of whatever substance or person is nearby.

  • Taste: Take a sip of a beverage and notice the taste and how it feels in your mouth. Take a bite of food and explore all the tastes you experience and how it changes as you slowly chew.

  • Touch: Feel the weight of a spoon as you stir your coffee, the feel of the handle of the coffee cup, the quality of the water when you wash your hands, the texture of the towel as you dry them.

That’s it. You can repeat this exercise at various times during the day or week, maybe focusing on one sense at a time. You don’t have to do them all at once, all the time. Remember, your sensuality is yours alone. Explore it at your leisure. 

The sensuality of living.

This simple exercise will translate meaningfully to your life. I know it seems that we barely have time to get everything done each day and it may feel like a big ask to add one more thing. But exploring  your senses doesn’t take any extra time, it simply means you have made a decision to engage with yourself and notice the world around you. 

Being sensual means you appreciate the gifts you have been given and revel in them, luxuriously. 

Starting now, live your life sensually! Get dressed sensually. Do chores sensually. Cook sensually. Drive your car sensually. Sensuality is a big yes to the beauty of this life. 

You are a living being on this planet connected to all things. Your awareness of that connection will spark sensuality. Awaken to the present moment with sensory activation — and live fully in your magic. Pussy Magic, that is.

If you’d like to learn more about Gaea Lady and explore her classes as an act of self-love, creativity and expression, please visit her website Support her and access a full library of classes, activations, and inspirations  on Patreon.

gaea lady

Gaea is a creatrix, a pussy magic priestess, a seeker of alchemical change. Through living artfully, she expands how we all authentically show up in our confidence and empowered presence.


Using Silk Veils to Activate Sensuality