Breath, Awareness, Movement

ClipperCabaret breath awareness movement  Gaea Lady hoop rt

When the going gets hard, breathe into it. 

This is as true when doing cardio as it is when flowing through emotions.

Do you find yourself having difficulties?

Yep. Me too. 

Breathe into it, Relax into it. 

Find awareness in the feeling, in the emotion, in the NOW. 

This awareness helps us breathe into it, rather than stopping the breath and shutting down the channel, the airways, the oxygen, the source.

Know that this is your moment to repattern.

If you tense and stop the breath, you work against yourself and close the door to the empowerment, sustainability, or success you envision. 

Try this: 

Instead of breathing from your shoulders, breathe into your torso.

  1. Put your hands on the sides of your ribs.

  2. Breathe deep into your hands, keeping shoulders still, neck relaxed. 

  3. Expand 360 degrees from your solar plexus (the place where your bottom ribs meet and your soft belly begins).

  4. When exhaling, use your core; abdominal wall (on front of your belly), obliques (on the sides), pelvic floor (on the bottom), and your spinal muscles (on the back) to expel all the air, until there’s no more left: you are squeezing/corseting all the air out.

  5. Repeat this 5-10 times.


When you can relax into the breath and expand, you can tap into the infinite energy of the universe and fly just a little more, become just a little more open. 

The eternal living rhythm of inhale & exhale is your path to awareness in your body, and what it can do for you.  

When we breathe deep into our bellies like this, our body unites with the mind. Smooth, calmer, less anxious, more connected.  This is the parasympathetic state, where our mind & body rests, digests, and repairs any damage done.  

We are all constantly healing both as individuals and communities.  Breath brings us into healing will help us act, heal, move, dance, and celebrate.  

Photo by Jody Lyon

Photo by Jody Lyon


When we move into deep breaths, towards this place of healing, we fill up.  We are more generative. access our creativity.  We dream, muse, and reside in our spaces of pleasure.  This is a state of FLOW.

Flow state is essentially turning off the spinning monkey mind and tapping into the essence of being. This is awareness, mindfulness, momentary presence at its essence. 

Breath gets me to this state of Awareness.

I aim to breathe consciously and find a state of flow when I’m doing yoga, dancing, performing, spinning fire, flowing with my veil, at a party with people I love, having sex, dancing burlesque, cooking, and generally, living. 

This connects me to awareness of this moment.  

It becomes timeless, rich, empowered, and filled with presence.

Flow State has changed my life.

Being in this place of flow helps heal me from the inside out. 

I believe that When you heal yourself, you pave the way for greater collective healing.  You are your greatest healer, and only you hold the keys to unlock your deepest healing powers.  Healing is a state of being that we are flowing in and out of in a myriad of ways, constantly.  

My classes are aimed at guiding you into some sort of a flow state, or providing the knowledge and tools to help you get there more easily.  The retreats that I host - burlesque, fire, and silk - focus on transforming our moments into blissful group flow through connection- or “communitas”.  My performances embody flow to show others what’s possible. 

I share it to transform your life, as I have mine.

greg bell_fire train tracks gaea fire blog 8 (1).jpg

And I invite you to join me on this journey. 

I’ve written and recorded a few 10-15 minute meditations for you to experience, as well as many 20-90 minute classes on silk veils, bellydance, burlesque, dance, and more.

I ask that you Support me on my Patreon (for as little as $11!) to access this content, where you can get into your breath and senses.

Patreon is my art platform, my class hub, and my creation space online. It is how I share my creations deeper to the world. Here, you can invest in me as I invest in you. It's monthly, yet you can, of course, cancel anytime.  No obligations. 

I hope to see you there. 



gaea lady

Gaea is a creatrix, a pussy magic priestess, a seeker of alchemical change. Through living artfully, she expands how we all authentically show up in our confidence and empowered presence.

Gaea’s Fire Origin Story


Awareness to Awaken Flow States